Burkina Faso: Acute Malnutrition Situation October 2020 - January 2021 and Projections for February - April 2021 and May - July 2021
2020-2021 Nutrition Situation for 45 Provinces
01.10.2020 > 31.07.2021
October 2020 - January 2021 
February - April 2021 
May - July 2021 



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In this IPC Acute Malnutrition analysis, the 45 provinces of the thirteen regions of Burkina Faso were analysed. In total, the estimate shows that 631,787 children aged between 6 and 59 months and 128,672 pregnant and lactating women will suffer from acute malnutrition during 2021 in Burkina Faso, based on the results of the national nutrition survey (SMART) carried out between October and November 2020. For the current situation from October 2020 to January 2021, five provinces are in a Critical situation (IPC Phase 4), nine provinces in a Serious situation (IPC Phase 3), 29 provinces in an Alert situation (IPC Phase 2) and two provinces in an Acceptable situation (IPC Phase 1). For the first projection from February to April 2021, the nutritional situation will likely remain stable or improve for most provinces. Thus, 36 provinces will likely remain stable compared to the current situation, five provinces will likely see their situation improve (three provinces moved from Serious to Alert, one province from Critical to Serious and one province from Alert to Acceptable) and the two provinces in Acceptable will likely move to Alert. For the second projection period from May to July 2021, there will likely be a deterioration in the nutritional situation in several provinces. Thus, 13 provinces will likely move from Alert (IPC Phase 2) to Serious (IPC Phase 3); one province will likely move from Acceptable (IPC Phase 1) to Alert (IPC Phase 2); and 31 provinces will likely remain in the same phase: 20 provinces in Alert (IPC Phase 2), seven provinces in Serious (IPC Phase 3) and four provinces in Critical (IPC Phase 4).

For the current situation, out of the 45 provinces analysed, 29 (Balés, Mouhoun, Nayala, Leraba, Koulpelgo, Sanmatenga, Sanguié, Sissili, Bazèga, Nahouri, Zoundwéogo, Gnagna, Kompienga, Komandjoari, Tapoa, Gourma, Houet, Kénédougou, Tuy, Passoré, Yatenga, Zondoma, Ganzourgou, Kourwéogo, Oubritenga, Bougouriba, Ioba, Noumbiel, Poni) are classified in the Alert phase (IPC Phase 2), two provinces (Comoé and Boulgou) are classified in the Acceptable phase (IPC Phase 1), nine provinces (Banwa, Kosssi, Sourou, Kouritenga, Bam, Namantenga, Boulkiemdé, Ziro, Kadiogo) are classified in the Serious phase (IPC Phase 3) and five provinces (Lorum, Oudalan, Séno, Soum and Yagha) are classified in the Critical phase (IPC Phase 4). The situation will likely improve between February and April 2021 before experiencing a second significant deterioration from May 2021.

The factors contributing to acute malnutrition vary from one unit of analysis to another, however, we can conclude the following for provinces classified as Serious or above (IPC Phase 3 or above): low dietary diversity among women and children, poor infant and young child feeding practices, high prevalence of child morbidities (fever and diarrhoea), poor hygiene conditions (inaccessibility to sanitation facilities), low coverage of access to drinking water, the negative effects of the insecurity crisis which has led to massive population displacements in 6 out of 13 regions (North, Sahel, Centre East, Centre North, Boucle du Mouhoun, East), inter-community conflicts and the closure/malfunctioning of health structures in provinces with limited humanitarian access. The impact of the health crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic is also a major contributing factor to the deterioration of the nutritional situation of the most vulnerable, particularly women and children under five years of age.

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